Green Smoothie: Kale, Cantaloupe, Banana, and Oat Milk


Finally, after experimenting with different ingredients and adding to a base of kale or spinach, I found a smoothie formula that both me and partner (who’s not the biggest fan of greens) - LOVES. The consistency is more like a juice, easy to down while still getting that boost of tasty, healthy greens each morning.

Servings: 1
Total Time: 5-10 minutes


  • 2 c kale

  • 1.5 c oat milk (I recommend Oatly or Minor Figures)

  • 1 c cantaloupe

  • 1 banana

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 7.50.48 AM.png


  1. Using a blender, blend the kale and oat milk on high until completely smooth. This step is important to make sure it’s a juice consistency.

  2. Add in the cantaloupe and banana, blend until smooth.

  3. Enjoy!


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